The civically rights movement and the Vietnam war
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Obama's foreign policy was a bit more conciliatory toward certain countries than that of his predecessor, however, Obama also intervened militarily in other countries like his predecessor did in the past.
For example, Obama sought peace agreements with Iran and Afghanistan, while Bush was much more aggressive against these countries.
But Obama also intervened with the American military in Libya and Syria, two countries that were civil wars that have not ended yet.
Another thing to highlight is that Obama tried to normalize relations with Cuba, while Bush was much more aggresive against the Island.
The development of the automotive industry has opened many jobs worldwide, including in the USA.
The automotive industry has a vast production chain, involving the plastics, steel, and car components industries. In this sense, besides the direct jobs, there is a great indirect employability.
In this context, the popularization of automobiles has increased the contingent of workers in related industries, as described in the third alternative (C).
How did Bryan make his case to the American people in his “Imperialism” speech? ... Imperialists, including Senator Albert Beveridge and President William McKinley, relied on this doctrine to support their arguments. Bryan ... Compare and contrast this to Bryan's “Imperialism” address. ... Is it based upon the same beliefs