they traded to expand the empire
Socially, this period isn't a mediator time between the prosperous Great and Magnificent ones, as it was depicted previously. Aristotle the dad of current sciences, Menander the incredible comedies' creator, Epicure the moralist, Eratosthenes, yet additionally Euclid, Archimedes, and Polybius lived and worked amid the Greek Time frame. This period indicated advance in design, a ton of incredible euergetism (charitable donattions to the network), a duplication of gala days and festivities (appeared by the extraordinary number of made theaters), the improvement of workmanship and the making of libraries, with the most renowned being in Alexandria.
It was a March that was begun as a result of the segregation, and every one of the unhealthy things that were happening in the area. People marched to prove how angry, and upset they were.That they had to prove their purpose. however, the government has shown them their purpose too. Martin Luther King lead the march with 600 different brave individuals. This took five days and was fifty-four miles long. The African Americans came with signs and sang songs, so that, everyone would see them and that they may well be free and equal.
It’s more than three sentences sorry take what you need or use all and ask if she Will give you extra credit.