Step 1: Copy of one side of DNA strand is made (called mRNA, messenger RNA)
step 2: mRNA moves to cytoplasm, then ribosome
step 3: mRNA goes through ribosome 3 bases at a time
step 4: transfer RNA (tRNA) matches up with the open DNA bases
step 5: tRNA releases the amino acid at the top, which joins the chain of amino acids being produced
The rate of evolution is the means of
when the see levels rises the great barrier reef will have less and less fishes
If we break down the word autotroph, auto means “self” and troph means "feeding" or nourishment. However, when we break the word heterotroph, we get hetero- meaning other, and troph meaning feeders.
This is the critical difference between these two groups. Autotrophs synthesize or make their own food whereas, heterotrophs cannot make their own food thus have to rely on others by eating or absorbing others. For example, plants are autotrophs because they can make their own food using photosynthesis, whereas, humans are heterotrophs because we have to eat others to survive.
The sun provides the energy for plants which starts the whole food chain.
the human body has to remain a certain temperature. </span>
<span>The sun provides that heat. </span>
<span>I have to drink. </span>
<span>The sun evaporates water so it can be redistributed in the form of rain. </span>
<span>Your life is set by the movement of the sun.</span>