Parent involvement in a child's education is consistently found to be positively associated with a child's academic performance. However, there has been little investigation of the mechanisms that explain this association. The present study examines two potential mechanisms of this association: the child's perception of cognitive competence and the quality of the student-teacher relationship. This study used a sample of 158 seven-year old participants, their mothers, and their teachers. Results indicated a statistically significant association between parent involvement and a child's academic performance, over and above the impact of the child's intelligence. A multiple mediation model indicated that the child's perception of cognitive competence fully mediated the relation between parent involvement and the child's performance on a standardized achievement test. The quality of the student-teacher relationship fully mediated the relation between parent involvement and teacher ratings of the child's classroom academic performance. Limitations, future research directions, and implications for public policy initiatives were discussed.
Their conversation causes Miss Brill to feel like her presence is unwanted at the park, as shown in the first answer option.
<h3>Why did Miss Brill have this feeling?</h3>
- The boy and girl's conversation had a strange content to Miss Brill.
- The way they spoke sounded like they were annoyed by her presence.
- She felt that she was not welcome and that she did not fit in.
This made her feel very insecure and was saddened by the situation, as she felt uncomfortable with herself.
More information about Miss Brill at the link:
It symbolizes people spending money on stuff online, making companies grow and gain more money, People become addicted to shopping online and wasting money. They are supporting companies.