Literary analysis encourages students to branch beyond their own experiences and beliefs, and in doing so it allows students to build empathy. Empathy is the ability to consider someone else's feelings and thoughts in a situation. As you can imagine, empathy is important in relationships, job settings, and beyond.
A-The basic plot premise—a young hero gains super strength and his wife, spying for his enemies, learns it—is the same.
Both stories show how both of the main characters were both given the power of incredible strength and later on, they get married to which in both stories, the wife is a spy for the enemy.
The sentence that shows that the speech is addressed to primarily female audience would be: We do not propose to petition the legislature to make our husbands just, generous, and courteous, to seat every man at the head of a cradle, and to clothe every woman in male attire.
I put a highlight on the phrase our husbands. The sentence basically created in order to put a sense of shared experience that every female audience could relate. This type of technique commonly used in order to make the audience feel a sense of unity from the shared experience.
Throughout the Play ‘an Inspector Calls’. There are differences between the generations when concerning the characters attitudes and how much responsibility they take, this is represented, mainly when the Inspector reveals what has happened. The older generation include Mr and Mrs Birling and the younger Sheila and Eric.