C. null statement
the semicolon in CSCI will make the line be considered a null statement
A virus can damage programs, delete files and reformat or erase your hard drive, which results in reduced performance or even crashing your system entirely. Hackers can also use viruses to access your personal information to steal or destroy your data.
The solution code is written in Python:
- import math
- coord= input("Enter coordinates for three points: ")
- coordList = coord.split(" ")
- for i in range(0, len(coordList)):
- coordList[i] = float(coordList[i])
- seg_1 = math.sqrt((coordList[0] - coordList[2])**2 + (coordList[1]- coordList[3])**2)
- seg_2 = math.sqrt((coordList[2] - coordList[4])**2 + (coordList[3]- coordList[5])**2)
- print(seg_1 + seg_2)
Firstly, we can use Python built-in method <em>input()</em> to get coordinates for three points from user (Line 3). To simplify the entry process, the input of the three coordinates is expected in a single string 0.0 0.0 3.0 4.0 6.0 8.0O. Please note each of the coordinates is separated by a single space.
Next, we can proceed to use Python string split() method and single space character " " as separator to break the input string of coordinates into a list of individual numbers ["0.0", "0.0", "3.0", "4.0", "6.0", "8.0"].
Prior to calculating the line segment, it is important to ensure the coordinates in the list,<em> coordList</em>, have been converted from string to float type (Line 6 - 7).
Next, we are ready to apply the Distance formula to calculate the length of the two line segments that join the three coordinates (Line 9 and Line 11). The distance formula is 
At last, sum up the two line segments, <em>seg_1 </em>& <em>seg_2 </em>and print it in the terminal (Line 13).
Lewisville Independent School District blocked the following program: Among Us because the game was a distraction to online education. Normally, school districts disable/block games that students play to make sure they are not just playing games and that they are paying attention during class.
A database is a structured collection and gathering of data, usually stored and later used electronically from a computer system. Whenever there’s a complexity in databases then there are mostly developed using formal design and some advanced modeling techniques.
It is a system built for storing and managing data (every kind of information). A database machine is capable of sorting, changing or serving the information on the database. The information itself can be kept in many diverse ways - prior to digital computers, printed books, card files, and other methods were used.