One consequence of CFCS pollution is increased rates of skin cancer in humans.
Cholofluorocarbons cause the breakdown of the ozone layer that protects the earth from the sun's ultraviolet radiation. Once in the atmosphere, CFCs drift slowly upward to the stratosphere, where they are brojken up by ultraviolet radiation, releasing the chlorine that catalytically destroys ozone.
Ok, think about it. Does your skin prevent germs from getting inside you?
Does your skin prevent water from leaving the body too quickly? Does your skin protect your insides from getting damaged when you fall? Do you put food on your skin to absorb nutrients, or do you put food in your mouth like a normal person?
Mitosis results in two identical daughter cells, whereas meiosis results in four sex cells. Below we highlight the keys differences and ...
C) They are part of a community
A community represents the sum total of populations of different species present together in an area or ecosystem. In a community, the organisms of these different species may benefit or harm each other and exhibit little or more interdependence. In the given example, beer, insects, ants, chipmunks represent the organisms of different species that are present together in a habitat. They interact with each other in various ways. For instance, the bear is a predator of insects.