Chromosomes are Inherited From Your Parents. One chromosome from each of your 23 pairs came from each of your parents. The two chromosomes of a pair (except for the sex chromosomes) contain the same genes, but the genes have small differences. Things like SNPs make each copy of a gene uniquely Mom's or Dad's.
Dry climates do not have sufficient precipitation during the most of the year.
Desert are located in the arid climate.
The semiarid climate is in a grassland, or steppe, region.
In the calvin cycle, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G3P) is first and foremost responsible for making glucose. To make one G3P molecule, you need three turns of the calvin cycle. In the GP3 molecule, you hade 3 fixed carbon atoms. So to make a six-carbon glucose molecule, you need two GP3 molecules. Therefore it takes 6 turns of the calvin cycle (photosynthesis) to make a glucose molecule.
Metabolism consists of all the energy transformation reactions in an organism. (Ans. B)
Metabolism is defined as the total sum of the chemical reactions which synthesized in every cell of living things and provides energy for formation of new organic materials and vital processes (such as movement, growth, reproduction and development).
In living metabolism, enzyme mediated chemical reactions takes place. Energy which comes from nutrients and solar energy fueling multistep reactions and converting into the molecules which is necessary for maintenance and growth.