No humidity, constant cool temperature, serenity and calmness, and no crowds or lcrowd noises Camping in a cave is in many ways a lot more challenging than even the most dangerous places for sleeping outdoors.
The process of industrialization is known as the revolution because it brings new industries and development in a quick session, and also opens up the gate for the other countries to do partnership with the specific country.
Many educated people will get new job opportunities with this industrialization, but it has adverse effects on the un-educated people as it reduces the human-work and makes them go jobless.
Hey give me brainliest as you said or i'll delete within 10 sec and report
Nationwide is not a city, it's an high school located in Hollywood,FL
Explanation: Hollywood is a city in Broward County, Florida, between Fort Lauderdale and Miami
The address is 3440 Hollywood Blvd #415, Hollywood, FL 33021
The school is called Nationwide Academy High School and there is plenty other schools that help you get into Harvard University...