The closest word that you could spell with these symbols is timidity
There is a correspondence or equivalency between word-phoneme/grapheme by analyzing this word taking into consideration the equivalency of vowels and consonants as in the American standard phonemes system the letters represent:
t = t, tt, ed
ə = a
m = m, mb, mn
ĭ = i, y
d' = d, ed
ē = ee, e_e, -e, ea,ey,-y,ie,ei.
These correspondences can vary from country to country depending on their accent and phonetic reference.
Tell what your family means to you and why they are important
In third person omniscient<span>, the narrator knows all the thoughts and feelings of all the characters in the story. When writing in third person omniscient, the author will move from character to character, allowing the events to be interpreted by several different voices, but always maintaining an omniscient - or godlike - distance.
hope this helps
1. Be prepared
There is no substitute for preparation. If you haven't studied throughout the semester. If you haven't reviewed prior to test day. If you don't know the test material, all the test taking strategies in the world won't save you. Preparation is key.
2. Always arrive early and take a moment to relax
You'll increase your confidence if you take time to relax.
You'll be able to narrow your focus for the upcoming test.
Arriving early may allow you time to ask any last minutes questions of instructor or listen to explanations being provided to other students. Some study resource suggest that it's better to arrive on time to avoid "brain pickers", student who ask questions right before a test, but we disagree. We believe there is more to be gained by arriving a little early.
3. Listen attentively to last minute instructions given by the instructor
It is not uncommon for teachers to alter test details at the last minute.
If you miss test instructions, test taking anxiety will increase.
If you miss test instructions, don't be scared to ask for instructions to be repeated.
4. Do a memory dump
A memory dump can be a particularly useful strategy for improving performance certain types of tests.
As soon as you begin the test, write down information that you will likely need to know for the test and you fear you may forget. (ie., formulas, equations, dates, lists, etc.)
5. Read the test directions very carefully and watch for details
Test questions and directions often contain valuable information. Always read all directions carefully to ensure you understand what is being asked.
It is not uncommon to have two correct answers on a multiple choice question. Pay attention to details.
Frequently, test instructions will notify students that they only need to complete two questions, but there will be 5 options.
I am not sure but I think is number 4.