a) true.
In the present scenario, multidimensional leaders remain critically proactive to undertake strategic choices within a framework of continuously shifting situations and other relevant factors. In an ever-changing market world, leaders can not base themselves on traditional styles and aspire to tackle the realities of today's workplace. They recognize that effective leadership needs a variety of expertise and competencies, and recognize the impact of their personal traits on the specif task in hand.
because they follow the five pillars of Islam which are the shahadah, zarkat, sawn and haj. and they believe that Jesus was not a son of God but a prophet.
The correct answer is C. Physiological needs
In Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, there are five different levels. In the case of physiological needs, these are on the first level, this means, they are the most basic needs and if these are not met other needs will not be met. Physiological needs include food, water, shelter, and even clothes that are necessary for you as a living organism.
Seamus is having trouble meeting his physiological needs because due to lack of education and skill he can only earn a minimum wage and a result of this, he finds difficult to pay rent and bills which means shelter and utilities such as water or electricity are at risk and also he is not eating as he should so his need for food is not completely fulfilled.
If Congress stretched their powers too far, it is likely that the Supreme Court would step in after a lawsuit and rule that Congress was acting outside the scope provided for it in the Constitution.