A person earning a very large amount in a big span of year and that ending in a financial trouble eventually is an example of irresponsible management of money. In the case, that he spent in women and gamble, then really he is irresponsible.
You can get aids from HIV, which is through sex. There is no known cure. You get Malaria from mosquito's and there is a cure.
raise taxes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
State law is the body of laws for a state, but the rule of law is a principle.
The laws of a state are about the individuals laws each state can have in U.S. regarding some matters. While rule of law is a principle that highlights the sovereign of the law, which means all people, institutions and the government are under it. A constitutional theorist called Dicey wrote the rule of law should follow: “equality before law; presumption of innocence unless proven guilty and primacy of rights over Constitution”.
(B). collect government taxes
A Bank is a financial institution that helps with the management of money, gives out loans, and gets profits in return. Banks only provide a means through which taxes are paid by opening an account for the government. Banks help people save their money, issue credit cards, store money in a safe place, etc. It is the function of the tax revenue service hired by the government to perform this duty. Hence, it is not within the banks' jurisdiction to collect taxes.