Byzantine came from the name of its capital, Constantinople, before it was called Constantinople. Before Constantinople, it was called Byzantium. Byzantium was established by the Greeks in 7th Century BC.
Regiones geográficas. Encerrado entre dos gigantes asiáticos (India y China), Nepal ha sido descrito como “jalea entre dos rocas”. Enclavado en la majestuosa cordillera del Himalaya (que en el idioma sánscrito significa ‘‘residencia de la nieve’’), el país está plagado de montañas y colinas.
what are the answer choices ?
Spearman would have supported the notion that intelligence resulted from a single ability and could be represented by a single test score.
B. a person's point of view about something.
An attitude is a person's point of view about something. The statement " I like southwest air" is an example of attitude