<span>Both purple and white flowers are recessive phenotypes. In order for an organism to exhibit a recessive phenotype, its genotype must be homogenous for the recessive allele. This is only possible if the parents of the organisms are also purebreeding and they demonstrate the same recessive phenotypes. </span>
Temperatures gradient
There are distinct temperature gradient differences in the layers of atmosphere usually due to the main air molecule composition of the layers, the density of the molecules. The Troposphere the lowest layers is the densest and temperature decreases with increase in altitude. The stratosphere, on the other hand, has an increase in temperature with increase in altitude. Temperatures decrease with altitude in the mesosphere while the parameter increases with altitude in the thermosphere.
Herbaceous stem grow thicker as a result of cell division in the vascular cambium of the stem.
by looking at their physical features, the fossil record, and dna sequences