Dihybrid cross refers to a cross between the two distinct groups, which vary in two observed traits. For the genes on different chromosomes, each of the allelic pair demonstrated independent segregation.
If the initial filial generation generates four similar offspring, the latter filial generation, which takes place by crossing the members of the initial filial generation, demonstrates phenotypic ratio of 9:3:3:1.
Therefore, dividing the 80 progeny on the basis of the ratio 9:3:3:1, one can anticipate five snails to be homozygous recessive for both the traits. The calculation is to be done on the basis of the ratios and proportions, that is, the sum of ratio numbers 9+3+3+1 = 16.
Spindle fibers move chromosomes during cell division by attaching to chromosome arms and chromosome centromeres. A centromere is a specific region of a chromosome where duplicated chromosomes are joined. The identical, joined copies of a single chromosome are known as sister chromatids. The centromere is also where specialized protein complexes called kinetochores are found.
Water in the roots is pulled through a plant through the transpiration. Transpiration is the loss of water vapor through the Stomata of the leaves. It uses 90 percent of the water that enters the plant and the remaining 10 percent is used in photosynthesis and cell growth.