You are laying on your couch watching television when you suddenly see a wolf spider on your leg. Your heart rate and blood pres
sure increase dramatically, so the body then needs to bring it back down to homeostasis. Which type of feedback loop will bring your heart rate and blood pressure back down to normal?
The feedback loop that would allow the blood pressure to go back down to normal would be a negative feedback loop. This type of loop basically causes the body to decrease the effects that are currently taking place while at the same time implementing the opposite effects in order for the system to stabilize itself once again. This can be seen in the depiction below where an effect takes place in the body (positive feedback loop) and the negative feedback loop kicks into re-stabilize the body's system.
An energy transformation is the change of energy from one form to another. Energy transformations occur everywhere every second of the day. There are many different forms of energy such as electrical, thermal, nuclear, mechanical, electromagnetic, sound, and chemical.