Computer output simply put is any data generated by the computer or feedback gotten from the computer. Output can take many forms, but there are 2 major categories:
- Soft copy output e.g text viewed on a computer screen
- Hard copy output e.g printouts
a. Power cycle the printer.
Power Cycle: To unplug the printer and restart it, is called power cycling. The peripheral devices often tend to stop working and the cause of this is not always easily figured out. So the first and easiest way that can be done to fix this issue is to run a power cycle. For this, you have to turn off the printer and unplug it. Then wait for a few seconds (at least 30) and plug in the printer again. Turn the printer on. Power cycle helps to resolve many basic issues. It is the easiest step to take before checking the printer cable, reinstalling printer or resetting the print spooler.
1.word = "George slew the dragon"
startIndex = word.find('dr')
endIndex = startIndex + 4
drWord = word[startIndex:endIndex]
2. sentence = "Broccoli is delicious."
sentence_list = sentence.split(" ")
firstWord = sentence_list[0]
The above snippet is written in Python 3.
1. word is initialized to a sentence.
Then we find the the occurence of 'dr' in the sentence which is assign to startIndex
We then add 4 to the startIndex and assign it to endIndex. 4 is added because we need a length of 4
We then use string slicing method to create a substring from the startIndex to endIndex which is assigned to drWord.
2. A string is assigned to sentence. Then we split the sentence using sentence.split(" "). We split based on the spacing. The inbuilt function of split returns a list. The first element in the list is assigned to firstWord. List uses zero based index counting. So. firstWord = sentence_list[0] is use to get first element.
Hello astropiggy!
Feel free to ask any question!
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