The great saphenous vein (or GSV).
B. because if there’s something wrong with the muscles and strength that can come from heart health and lead up to more problems
Answer: Adjust the patient's account to reflect no unpaid charges and write off the balance.
Nursing is a profession that is committed to the health and quality of life of the person, family and community. Nursing professionals perform their activities with competence to promote the human being in its entirety, in accordance with the principles of ethics and bioethics.
The nursing code of ethics serves to indicate the most appropriate behaviors and those that should be avoided, so that the professional category is not socially committed to negligence. All nursing professionals must abide by the code of ethics.
The nursing professional code of ethics is a set of ethical normals that is formed by articles, and aims to improve the ethical behavior of the professional, it is organized by subjects and includes some principles such as: rights, responsibilities, duties and prohibitions pertinent to ethical conduct.
The nurse's code of ethics was developed as a guide for the realization of nursing responsibilities in a manner consistent with the quality of nursing care and the ontological duties of the profession.
The total patient care model requires a greater number of registered nurses to provide the care. This results in increased costs, making the model less cost-effective. Continuity of care is a problem if the registered nurse is unable to communicate the patient's needs. In the team nursing model, the team leader needs to take time to delegate work. The total patient care model does not have a lack of collaboration; rather the model allows a high degree of collaboration with other healthcare team members. In the primary nursing model, the associate nurse cannot change the care plan without discussing it with the primary nurse.<span>Building an </span>