Nucleic acids store hereditary information. Think about DNA! DNA stands for dioxiriboNUCLEIC ACID. Your DNA determines everything about you’
Explanation:that going to be the first symptom you first get when your sick.
Heat can be transferred from one object to another since, If there is a temperature difference between two systems, heat will always find a way to transfer from the higher to the lower system.
Kinetic energy can be transferred from one object to another, when two objects crash. One example of kinetic energy being transferred from one object to another would be a collision of pool balls, Since one ball would hit another causing it to move. Also Kinetic Energy is, “The <u>energy</u> of motion, observable as the movement of an object, particle, or set of particles. Any object in motion is using kinetic energy: a person walking, a thrown baseball, a crumb falling from a table, and a charged particle in an electric field are all examples of kinetic energy at work.”
And last but not least, Thermal Energy which, is often referred to as heat. The thermal energy of matter depends on how fast the atoms or molecules are moving. The faster they are moving, the more thermal energy they possess. Therefore, the temperature of the matter would be higher. Thermal energy is a form of kinetic energy. One example of Thermal energy being transferred from one object to another is, Thermal energy from a hot stove is transferred to a metal pot and causes the water molecules to move faster increasing the temperature of the water. Fun fact; Thermal Energy can be transferred in three ways known as, Conduction, Convention, Radiation.
The role of mass extinction in evolution. At the most basic level, mass extinctions reduce diversity by killing off specific lineages, and with them, any descendant species they might have given rise to. ... But mass extinction can also play a creative role in evolution, stimulating the growth of other branches.
Ectotherm can survive with a low calorie diet