chunking and short-term is the correct answer of this question.
chunking is a strategy to enhance a short-term memory.
Chunking is an method used to separate larger numbers that can not be psychologically separated.Chunking is the grouping of words in one sentence into short, important phrases. A chunk is the material segment that is used in many graphical formats, such as PNG etc.
Short-term memory is the knowledge a person is considering or is conscious of. This is also called healthy or main memory.
public class LabProgram {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello World!"); } }
In this statement: System.out.println
System is a class in JAVA language package
out is a member of class System
println() is a functionT to print or display message to a console or file
So the message to print here is Hello World!
Now this statement System.out.println prints the message "Hello World!" passed in the argument.
Hence this statement as a whole displays the message Hello World! on the output screen.
That is called declaring a variable
- the Keyboard:
The keyboard is a handheld device used to input alphabet, numbers, symbols and characters to a monitor. It also houses the special manipulative and function keys.
- the Control Unit:
The control unit is a component of the CPU which directs the operation of the processor.
- the Printer:
The printer is an external hardware output device which takes electronic data stored on a device and creates a hard copy.