My answer would be A because during the Stono Rebellion, the<span> militia surrounded the escaping slaves and those who were not killed were captured and executed. This would definitely be a cause of fear in my opinion. </span>
The three most important factors in profit for your business is demand, viability, and profit margin.
passing laws as about public lands are to be used
I believe the answer is: C.<span> majority vote required
The problems of the articles of consideration exist on the total number of votes that would be given to each states. Some advocate that all the states should have equal number of votes while the other advocate that they need to consider states' size and population into the number of votes.</span>
<span>The answer would be the Land Ordinance of 1785. This was implemented by the United States Congress of the Association on May 20, 1785. It made a uniform system whereby colonizers could have an acquisition title to farmland in the not fully formed west.</span>