Paying all your bills on time
If you pay your bills on time consistently, your credit score will rise.
If you do not, your credit score will drop, and sooner or later they will not loan you anymore money
hope this helps
Cascade down.
MBO means Management by Objectives.
Is a program that encompasses:
-specifict goals
-participatetively set
-for an explicit time period
-with feedback on goal progress
MBO operationalizes the concept of objectives by devising a process by which objectives cascade down through the organization.
The result is a hierarchy of objectives that links objectives at one level to those at the next level.
For individual employee, MBO provides specific personal performance objectives.
The cascade down of objectives is:
1 Overall organizational objectives
2 Divisional objectives
3 Departamental objectives
4 Individual objectives
I believe the answer is: Reduce the benefit level
If the individual performing an occupation more hazardous than the occupation listed in his policy, The insurance company had the right to perceive that the individual is involving himself in necessary risk, which provide them with a legal ground to reduce his benefit level.
Answer: The answer is given below
Information Systems are the networks of both the hardware and the software which is used by economic agents to collect, process, create and help in the distribution of data.
Information Technology (IT) flattens organizations simply means that information systems can help in the reduction of the levels in an organization through the provision of information to managers which will be used in the supervision of other emoloyees and also, lower-level employees could be given more authority relating to decision-making.
Since decision making has been pushed to lower level then fewer managers will be needed. This ensures that faster decision making are made and there's increase in the span of control.
The concept of diversity<span> encompasses acceptance and respect. It means understanding that we all have differences and we're all unique. </span>