The Supreme Court has its own set of rules. According to these rules, four of the nine Justices must vote to accept a case. Five of the nine Justices must vote in order to grant a stay, e.g., a stay of execution in a death penalty case. Under certain instances, one Justice may grant a stay pending review by the entire Court.
The Constitution states that the Supreme Court has both original and appellate jurisdiction. Original jurisdiction means that the Supreme Court is the first, and only, Court to hear a case. The Constitution limits original jurisdiction cases to those involving disputes between the states or disputes arising among ambassadors and other high-ranking ministers. Appellate jurisdiction means that the Court has the authority to review the decisions of lower courts. Most of the cases the Supreme Court hears are appeals from lower courts.
idk if that helps at all, hopefully it helps a little...
Answer: LOL yes, the nacho fries ad needs to go away
La respuesta correcta a esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente. Aunque no existen opciones de respuestas, comentaremos lo siguiente.
Describe cómo se da la violencia escolar dirigida:
1.- Por los alumnos contra sus pares: siendo groseros con ellos. Faltándoles el respeto con caras y modos, contestaciones absurdas y actitudes que muestran su mala gana.
Por un docente contra los alumnos: faltando el respeto a los alumnos con posturas despectivas o comentarios lastimosos. Con actitudes indiferentes y respuestas groseras o cortantes.
Los alumnos contra los docentes: mostrando su indiferencia en clase, ausentándose de clase sin ningún motivo en particular, interrumpiendo las clases de manera intempestiva, contestando de manera agresiva a las preguntas del maestro.
En la escuela debe existir un muto respeto entre maestros, alumnos, autoridades, y padres de familia. Si se rompe este equilibrio, algunas de las partes se verá más afectada que la otra, causando un daño considerable en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje.
The three causes are politics, a lack of communication, and race.
Additives are food "additions" that are added to the food for certain reasons. These 'extra' ingredients may be natural or synthetic, depending on their source, and also be added intentionally or unintentionally.
Additives can be food additive or color additive. They are added to improve the taste, or preserve it longer, or to give it a better appearance, color, for safety, or for retention of freshness or taste, etc., among others. Such additives may or may not be intentionally added, and can be man-made or even from natural sources.
Thus, the correct answer is true.