Birds, unlike mammals, do not have separate exits for urine and feces. Both waste products are eliminated simultaneously through the cloaca. While mammals excrete nitrogenous wastes mostly in the form of urea, birds convert it to uric acid or guanine, which reduces water loss in comparison.
Hey There!</h2><h2>
1- Fire uses the energy, The heat is required, it is the part of the chemical reaction. Heat reacts with the fuel and oxygen to ignite it.
2- Bacteria as the decomposers gets rid of the wastes. It breaks down the organic material such as the remains of dead organisms.
3- Fire grows and develops, The fire has different stages. If its not controlled in its initial stages it could grow and develop into really big destruction.
4- Bacteria can sense and respond to stimuli. There is phototactic and chemotactic movement found in bacteria.
5- Bacteria has ways to protect itself from environment. They can form colony and work together against the changes, also they can form the hard cyst to protect themselves from the unfavorable conditions.
6- Bacteria reproduces, It has different ways of reproduction i.e. Trans.duction, Transf.ormation, conju.gation.
7- have a def.ined boun.dary as it is not a living thing it can't gr.ow, it does not have 8 chara.cteristics of li.fe.
8- has internal organization which help them to carry out basic functions
9- Algae are made of more than one cells
<h2>_____________________________________</h2><h2>Best Regards,</h2><h2>'Borz'</h2><h2 />
In my opinion we would not have clouds because the clouds is our water vapor
The correct answer is - temperate rainforests of the Olympic Peninsula.
The Pacific northwest tree octopus is a fictional animal, thus it does not exist in the present, nor there is any proof that such a creature existed in the past, though there's every chance that it can evolve in the future.
According to the description of this fictional octopus species, unlike the octopuses we know, it is actually amphibious. This basically means that this octopus is able to live in the water, but also be terrestrial. It has developed from the octopuses in the East Pacific, and it started mostly to live on land, or rather on trees. It has used its eight tentacles in order to be able to have a perfect tool and easy arboreal life, swinging from one branch to another, being able to cover longer distances very easily, and manage to hunt with relative ease.
3. Sediment makes the water cloudy.
Sedimentation has been identified as a primary stressor for the existence and recovery of coral species and their habitats. Sediment deposited onto reefs can smother corals and interfere with their ability to feed, grow, and reproduce.
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