<span>A tiger looks so much different as an adult than it did as a single fertilized egg because it developed through different stages from being a zygote (fertilized egg), to becoming an embryo (where it experiences intense cellular changes), to becoming a fetus (where it gains a great measure of cell specialization, and develops distinct tissues and organ systems). After birth, the tiger still undergoes further growth and development into adulthood. This is largely regulated by the expression of different genes at different times and also by environmental factors.</span>
It is known as a transgenic organism. This procedure is otherwise called "genetic engineering." Genes of one species can be altered, or qualities can be transplanted starting with one animal types then onto the next. Genetic engineering is made conceivable by recombinant DNA innovation. Living beings that have modified genomes are known as transgenic.
The Sun
The Sun is the major source of energy for organisms and the ecosystems of which they are a part. Producers, such as plants and algae, use energy from sunlight to make food energy by combining carbon dioxide and water to form organic matter. This process begins the flow of energy through almost all food webs.
The result of photosynthesis is the production of sugar molecules knowns as. carbohydrates. carbohydrates are. energy rich molecules which organisms use to carry out daily activities. as organisms consume food and use energy from carbohydrates, the energy travels from. one organism to another.
Because a chemical change occurred. heating, baking, cooking are can cause chemical changes. color change most frequently represents a chemical change