What’s your favorite sport?
Conrad, Joseph. <em>Lord Jim. </em>Mineola, New York. Dover Publications, 1999,
I'm not sure about the city and state but I think this is correct. https://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Cite-a-Book-in-MLA-Format/
Because they hid the people and made sure they were the only ones who got to keep tabs
Let us begin with the Three Little Pigs. It is written in the third person in The Three Little Pigs. In The Three Little Pigs, the Big Bad Wolf purposefully blew down the homes of the three little pigs. The Big Bad Wolf seems to be really guilty in The Three Little Pigs. In this tale, the wolf desired to devour the three little pigs. Another distinction is that the Big Bad Wolf ends up on the dinner table of the third little pig! In The Three Little Pigs, the illustrator depicts the pigs purchasing building supplies.