The scientist that discovered cells by observing cork with a homemade microscope would be Robert Hooke.
Because Without Earthquake Research Earth Will Be DESTROYED
A factor of an experiment is a controlled independent variable; a variable whose levels are set by the experimenter. A factor is a general type or category of treatments. Different treatments constitute different levels of a factor
An experiment has several types of variables, including a control variable (sometimes called a controlled variable). ... A control variable is another factor in an experiment; it must be held constant. In the plant growth experiment, this may be factors like water and fertilizer levels.
The correct answer is <u>D</u> -ovary for the left (female reproductive system) and Q-epididymis for right (male reproductive system).
Ovaries are the primary female sex organs that produce the female gamete (ovum) and several steroid hormones (ovarian hormones). The ovaries are located one on each side of the lower abdomen. Each ovary is about 2 to 4 cm in length and is connected to the pelvic wall and uterus by ligaments. The formation of a mature female gamete is called oogenesis. Oogenesis takes place in ovary and is initiated during the embryonic development stage when a couple of million gamete mother cells (oogonia) are formed within each fetal ovary.
Testis are the primary sex organ in males. Spermatogenesis is process by which sperm is produced in testis. Spermatogenesis starts at the age of puberty due significant increase in the secretion of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH). This, if you recall, is a hypothalamic hormone. Sperms released from the seminiferous tubules, are transported by the accessory ducts. Secretions of epididymis, vas deferens, seminal vesicle and prostate are essential for maturation and motility of sperms. The seminal plasma along with the sperm constitutes the semen.
The order should be..
Ask a question
State a hypothesis
Test a hypothesis
Collect data
Analyze data
Write up conclusion based on data
Share your findings by presenting or publishing
Express ideas to make this experiment better in the future
I hope this helps! Please let me know if any are out of order so I can correct it in the future.