Hola, cambiar tu gamertag (el nombre o apodo que te identifica en los juegos de XBox en línea) es muy sencillo. Simplemente debes ingresar al menú principal de tu aplicación XBox App, y una vez allí seleccionar la imagen que te identifica como usuario. Al clickear allí, podrás seleccionar la opción Personalizar, donde se desplegará un menú de opciones dentro de las cuales se encontrará la de cambiar tu gamertag o nombre de usuario. Recuerda que solo podrás cambiar tu gamertag en forma gratuita una única vez.
"sudo" is the command to get super user or root privileges in linux.
in order to install package with root privilege in linux, the command would be
sudo apt-get install <package name>
A lot of business rules needs to be triggered so as to run.
In making of business rule, one can select triggers to run some specific events or run using some particular specified frequency.
The trigger options differs based on the type of rule you are interested in. One can also use multiple triggers when using a single rule.
Learn more about rules from.
» Microsoft word ( word processing )
» Microsoft powerpoint ( presentation )
» Microsoft access ( database mamagement )
» Microsoft excel ( spread sheets )
Check the explanation
An integer (int) is of two different bytes and each page has 200 bytes in length. What this means is that each row of array A (100 int) will fits perfectly in a page.
(a) For the initial or first array-initialization loop, one column is processed at a time, so a page fault will be generated at every inner loop iteration, with a total of 100*100=10,000 page faults.
(b) And when it comes to the second array-initialization loop, one row is processed at a time, and a page fault is generated at every outer loop iteration, with a total of 100 page faults.
Hence second array-initialization loop, has better spatial locality.