Cause a control bus is a computer bus and controlled by a computer while a bus is controlled by a driver
the exit button on top right or x out of that certain tab
Answer: Three way handshake
The three way handshake is the process in which it established a connection at the destination device in the network. It also verifies the currently active services in the network.
The three way shake process basically uses in the transmission control protocol(TCP) and it also inform to the destination device about the communication session.
Three way handshake process are properly understand in the TCP segment header by the various values in the two host exchange.
Answer: Queuing systems
We have the queuing theory which gives us the in depth knowledge of queuing systems which helps us to predict the queue length and the waiting time at the respective nodes in an network. A group of queuing systems together constitute the queuing network. The queuing theory helps to cope with the demand of various services in an queuing network composed of queuing systems.
March: 275.30
January: 389.45
February: 432.89
The code to be executed is a Java code. Since the For loop used is based on Sale, when the code is complied it will print the output in the order of sale as below:
March: 275.30
January: 389.45
February: 432.89