When using color in computer-generated presentation, you should use the same background color on all visuals and no more than two colors for words. This is a p<span>rinciples of </span>color and must be applied in computer-generated presentation aids like models,g<span>raphics( visual representations of information) and pictures (photographs and illustrations).</span>
I believe it's 5 spaces for an indent. If that's incorrect plz forgive me lol.
Many occupations use mathematics, even if it is not the primary focus of a given job.
Think about software developers, they develop apps, websites, and other things, but they also use math in the process. Scientists use statistics. Mechanics use math to make sure their measurements are right. Therefore, I think your best bet would be
A. Many occupations use mathematics, even if it not the primary focus of a given job.
(-21) x 0=0 and (-50)÷(-5)=10