Where is the following banks that is listed?
The answer is: they are comparable to suit of hearts
The answer is: they are comparable to suit of hearts
C. user accounts
An access control can be defined as a security technique use for determining whether an individual has the minimum requirements or credentials to access or view resources on a computer by ensuring that they are who they claim to be.
Simply stated, access control is the process of verifying the identity of an individual or electronic device. Authentication work based on the principle (framework) of matching an incoming request from a user or electronic device to a set of uniquely defined credentials.
Basically, authentication and authorization is used in access control, to ensure a user is truly who he or she claims to be, as well as confirm that an electronic device is valid through the process of verification
Hence, an access control list primarily is composed of a set of permissions and operations associated with a NTFS file such as full control, read only, write, read and execute and modify.
Generally, access control list are defined for specific user accounts and may either be an administrator, standard user or guest account.
In this scenario, Miriam a network administrator wants to give access rights to employees who are interested in accessing sensitive Information stored on a backup device. Thus, the option Miriam should use is user account.
Roughly 7/8 on the pinhole, roughly 2-1/4" from the pinhole to end of the adapter.
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For each of the following scenarios, which of these choices would be best? Explain your answer.
Sorted Array
Un-sorted Array
a) The records are guaranteed to arrive already sorted from lowest to highest (i.e., whenever a record is inserted, its key value will always be greater than that of the last record inserted). A total of 1000 inserts will be interspersed with 1000 searches.
b) The records arrive with values having a uniform random distribution (so the BST is likely to be well balanced). 1,000,000 insertions are performed, followed by 10 searches.
Answer for a: Un-sorted array or Un-sorted linked list : as mentioned in the question itself that the records are arriving in the sorted order and search will not be O(log n) and insert will be not be O(n).
Answer for b : Un-sorted array or Un-sorted linkedlist : Number of the items to be inserted is already known which is 1,000,000 but it is very high and at the same time search is low. Unsorted array or Unsorted linked list will be best option here.