California did not have the first gold rush in American history. ...
The Gold Rush was the largest mass migration in U.S. history. ...
The Gold Rush attracted immigrants from around the world. ...
The Gold Rush was a male-dominated event. ...
Early sections of San Francisco were built out of ships abandoned by prospectors.
We have to answer if the response choices to this question are:
a) Open-ended
b) Scale
c) Contingent
d) Fixed
And the correct answer is:
b) Scale
The response choices are of scale-type because they represent a gradient (or a scale).
They are meant to express the level of unsafety that the elderly experience in their neighborhood, and go, from the highest point the scale (a great deal), to the lowest point in the scale (none), with two options in the middle acting acting as a bridge between the two extremes (Some, Not too much).
It was the first democratic government to be established in the colonies, and it<span> was the first formal framework of government established in what is now the United States.</span>
A. and C.
As French was still struggling with the damage caused in WW1
The aryan race, pure Germans , Blonde hair , blue eyes , tall and strong, he beloved that the German race needs to be the best so, People have to have German and Herman only parents to be apart of Hitler's "perfect race"