Trophic level: the feeding level of an organism in a food web or chain. Food web: a diagram showing a series of interconnected food chains and the flow of energy through an ecosystem. Food chain: a diagram showing the flow of energy from one trophic level to the next. E.g. Consumer or decomposed Consumer: an organism which feeds on other organisms to obtain its nutritional requirements (part of a food web/chain). Producer: an organism capable of trapping the suns energy and converting it to sugar in the process of photosynthesis. Therefore the term food web is the term used to include all of the above.
hope this helps, :)
RNA polymerase is an enzyme that is responsible for copying a DNA sequence into an RNA sequence, duyring the process of transcription.
Through the roots which soak up the water from surrounding soil
The products of photosynthesis is to gain energy and build compounds, like glucose from carbon dioxide, making it anabolic
The reactants of cellular respiration are catabolic, and that refers to the breaking down of compounds, which releases energy.
The relationship is that they're complex compounds that consist of materials coming from essential processes in the cell.