ofstream asia("asiasales2009.txt"); //It is used to open asiasales2009.txt files with the asia objects.
ofstream europe("europesales2009.txt"); //It is used to open europesales2009.txt files with the europe objects.
ofstream africa("africasales2009.txt");
//It is used to open africasales2009.txt files with the africa objects.
ofstream latin("latinamericasales2009.txt");//It is used to open latinamericasales2009.txt files with the latin objects.
- The above code is written in the c++ language which is used to open the specified files with the specified objects by the help of ofstream class as described in the question-statements.
- The ofstream is used to open the file in the c++ programing language, so when a user wants to use the ofstream to open the file in written mode, then he needs to follow the below syntax--
ofstream object("file_name_with_extension");
The following is not an interconnector :
A wireless keyboard jack
- An interconnector is a structure which enables energy to flow between networks.
- An electrical or optical connection or cable that connects two separate devices.
- Since a wireless device does not have a cable connecting the two, they are not an interconnector.
- The cable that connects your monitor or hard drive to the computer system is called an interconnect.
- Switches can be used to connect together a number of end-user devices such as workstations, or to interconnect multiple network segments.
- A standard computer system will contain multiple interconnects.
USB port. That allows you to plug in devices.
The quick access toolbar provides shortcuts to commonly used elements.
The Home Tab brings you to the home page and the File Tab allows you to save the file or print it.
I hope this helps! :)
Following are the answers.
- Auto-response Rules
- Case Comment Notifications
They use the following system to determine that requirement for help in such a special manner. They need folks to identify the amount at the earliest opportunity. So, these Auto-response Rules and Case Comment Notifications are the functionalities that the System Admin implements to provide customers to easily obtain certain data are as follows.