The traits of a hero are usually determined by all of these except for C - the plot of the story.
For that reason, the correct answer is probably a - cultural values, b - their experiences, d - their mentors.
It also makes sense that the different traits every hero has are rather complex when compiled together and the reasons why they have become as they have become have multiple reasons.
Imperialism can operate in more subtle forms that are cultural as well as economic.
In general terms, imperialism is the extension of one country's influence into another. Sometimes this can be a conscious process like through diplomacy or military actions as the United States is said to be exercising imperialism in the Middle East in recent decades, but it can also occur in more subtle ways. Like the way that economies around the world are becoming more and more focused in consumerism like the Western model of a free market. Migrating to find work in this sense is not just economic imperialism, it is the product of cultural forces as well where the definition of a higher standard of living is tied to purchasing power and becoming a urban consumer.
Introspection, Titchener
Introspection is a process through which a person looking inwards and examines one's thoughts, feelings. It a controlled and well structured and scientific way to express one's feelings thought. It is a self-observation experiment. It was first developed by William Wundt. Wundt gives training to the people and observes to analyze the content of their thoughts.
Edward Titchener is a wundt student who also utilizes this technique. In some way, he used the wundt technique in a wrong manner. Wundt was interested in showing the conscious experience of a person but Titchener was interested in breaking the mental components of a person. It is a great source of self-knowledge (introspection). Even it provides a piece of knowledge about a person which is not possible in another way.