<em><u>Critical thinking is the ability to analyze the information</u></em> you have on a topic, evaluating the details and finally creating your own criteria without external aspects intervening in the final decision.
Critical thinking skills help us see how important it is in making decisions on a personal and professional level. If critical people are trained, they will have the ability to make decisions from a more honest and objective perspective.
That is why, as Pablo Perez said - in a video conference "Without Critical thinking you are nobody". In it he talks about the flaws in the Spanish educational system and invites each student to develop their own thoughts without others telling them what and how to think.
Once you have analyzed what critical thinking is and the skills you must have to develop it, it is time to adapt it in professional decision-making, especially when you lead teams or in more important cases, you have the possibility of leading a country.
Politics often goes beyond what is rational and followers are passionately involved, therefore, one must be very careful with actions, since as Julio César expressed: “Those subjects that are approached from passion are very difficult to do it under the certainty of things, from a predetermined position, with prejudices and from sectarianism that help very little to find the truth of the thing ”.
Critical thinking is not passionate or heartfelt, it is rational and objective, it evaluates all the factors objectively, it looks for evidence, evidence, it goes in search of the truth, it accepts facts and realities and even more it stimulates us to look for new ideas , new projects in order to achieve the realistic achievements we have.
When we learn to develop critical thinking about things, we are self-aware of the mistakes that can be made, and of the consequences that result from a decision, but if we have the ability to recognize failures and mistakes, we are fully aware of the need of an improvement or change.
For this reason, the development of critical thinking tools help us to grow personally and professionally.
<u>Julio César Herrero, director of CESCOMPO</u>L; In the subjects that he addresses in his book Elements of Critical Thinking,<em><u> he made reference to what we are and said: "you are what you think and surely you are more if you have the ability to communicate it properly".</u></em> You must be able to evaluate and reason under your own criteria. The information is there, you have to be objective and leave aside the manipulations and subjectivities that are around.