option A
Option A.
With the use of Administrative simplification, we can transform all the paper work to electronic media such as electronic receipts or electronic mail. By shifting towards electronic means in Administrative simplification we are actually saving a lot of time by helping the human resource and from the laborious tasks of paper work and data management.
The management of electronic means is very easy and friendly, it is also a reason for implementing administration simplification as well.
When two people come together, each with a clear definition of their identities, the potential can be astounding. A successful communication is composed of two individuals - each with a clearly defined sense of her or his own identity.
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Hi, you haven't provided the programing language in which you need the code, I'll explain how to do it using Python, and you can follow the same logic to make a program in the programing language that you need.
import math
def rectangle(perimeter, area):
l1_1 = (perimeter+math.sqrt((perimeter**2)-(16*area)))/4
l1_2 = (perimeter-math.sqrt((perimeter**2)-(16*area)))/4
l2_1 = area/l1_1
l2_2 = area/l1_2
if l1_1.is_integer() and l2_1.is_integer() and l1_1>0 and l2_1>0:
elif l1_2.is_integer() and l2_2.is_integer() and l1_2>0 and l2_2>0:
- We import math to make basic operations
- We define the rectangle function that receives perimeter and area
- We calculate one of the sides (l1_1) of the rectangle using the quadratic equation to solve 2h^2 - ph + 2a = 0
- We calculate the second root of the quadratic equation for the same side (l1_2)
- We calculate the second side of the rectangle using the first root on w = a/h
- We calculate the second side of the rectangle using the second root on w= a/h
- We verify that each component of the first result (l1_1, l2_1) is an integer (using the build-in method .is_integer) and greater than 0, if True we return the maximum value between them (using the max function) as w
- If the first pair of sides evaluate to False we check the second root of the equation and if they meet the specification we return the max value
- if all the if statements evaluate to false we return None to indicate that not positive or integer sides were found
A line of code to create a constant called MAX that will hold the size of an array that can store up to 25 decimal values. Separate each item with 1 space, and end the line with a semi-colon.
const int MAX = 25;