Natural systems are systems that came into being by natural processes. Like the rain cycle.
Technological systems are those to whom people intervened or designed. Like diverting water for a rider for land irrigation.
Front-end the part with which the user interacts.
usually people who write this are called layout designers what languages are used (Html, css, js)
Beck-end The northern part is the structure of the site due to which it works, this includes the DBMS, logic, etc. which languages will be used(python, php, java)
People who can do both are called: full stack developr
RSA encryption is performed by calculating C=M^e(mod n).
However, if n is much larger than e (as is the case here), and if the message is not too long (i.e. small M), then M^e(mod n) == M^e and therefore M can be found by calculating the e-th root of C.
If you have related data stored in multiple tables, create a Data model to<span> produce a pivot table on the combined data.
In computer term, data model refers to how each data are connected to one another and how those connections are being processed within the Sysyem</span>