You shouldn't lend a friend a large amount of money if they are using it for their own personal reasons. You could end up using that money for something you need, instead of something they want. If it isn't for an emergency or something they absolutely need, you should never give a friend a large amount of money, especially if they tend to be unreliable and/or known to not repay people back.
Affects on the bully and why they bully can have a emotinal chain. Some bully's tend to bully to realese emotinal distress. The person being bullied can start to have feelings of being hated or sadness. Sometimes the innocent bystanderds may see people being bullying but never do anything for the fear they might get bullied them selves
The sentences that contain comparative forms are: 01. some dreams are more... 02. some dreams are as real... 04. Some dreams are longer...
32. My dreams are less...
<h3>What are comparative forms?</h3>
Comparative forms are grammatical structures that have the purpose of establishing a comparison between two or more objects, people, animals, situations, events, among others.
To identify a comparative form we must look at the sentences that highlight a characteristic of one object over another or that mention that it is similar to the characteristics of another.
According to the above, it can be inferred that the sentences that include comparative forms are:
- 01. Some dreams are more mysterious than others. - The comparison is "more mysterious".
- 02. Some dreams are as real as others. - The comparative is "as real as".
- 04. Some dreams are longer than others. - The comparative is "are longer".
- 32. My dreams are less intense than yours. - The comparative is "less intense than".
Learn more about comparatives in:
C) It involves gods and goddesses
True, you want them to understand you as easily as possible and they will not know slang, etc. if they speak little english