This is an example of someone who believes that correlation proves causation.
Correlation between the GPA of students who drink beer and the GPA of those who don't according to this person will cause the belief that beer is the reason why their GPA is lower than those students who don't drink beer, which doesn't make much sense.
dividing intelligence into seven primary mental abilities.
Research reports suggest that intelligence in individuals are linked to seven factors which are referred to as primary abilities, these are; word fluency, verbal comprehension, spatial visualization, number facility, associative memory, reasoning, and perceptual speed. This is the reason why a child will perform well on a particular area than the other, that is, the child may perform better and similarly in a series of spatial visualization test if that is his/her primary ability than if he is given a test on perception which is not his/her area of ability.
Answer: In the NEED TO KNOW principle.
The need to know principle is a rule used in organisations to allow employees access ONLY the information and data needed for them to work.
In this principle, even if one has the rights to all the information in the Organisation, access will not be granted except they need to use he information to work.
This principle is mainly used in the military and in financial services.
The correct answer is c. There is no component of force acting along the direction of motion of the satellite.
When a moving object is traveling in a circular orbit at a constant speed we assume it has a changing velocity, this is mainly because velocity is a vector quantity that rely on the speed the object is moving and direction, because of the variation of acceleration throughout the whole orbit and the lack of other force acting along the direction of motion of the satellite allows the object to travel at a constant speed, but variable acceleration.
The answer to this question is equity
theory. The equity theory is a theory that was developed by the
behavioral psychologist John Stacey Adams. An equity theory of motivation
focuses on the idea that the people / employees are being motivated because of
the fairness that was being set to them by the company and if the employees
receive an unfair treatment they are being demoralized and un-motivated to do
well in their jobs / tasks.