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Grapes are a healthier choice because THEY PROVIDE FIBERS AND PHYTOCHEMICALS.
Grapes are natural fruits which possess more nutrients and beneficial components much more than manufactured artificial drinks. Fruits have fibers which purge one's system and make it easier for one to eliminate wastes, it also have a lot of natural phytochemicals that have beneficial effects on human system.
increase anxiety; decreased vulnerability to overreact to stress
Serotonin (5-HT) is a natural neurotransmitter that carries signals between nerve cells (neurons) throughout the body. This neurotransmitter (serotonin) is responsible for regulating many biological functions (e.g., mood, digestion, sleep, etc). Moreover, it has been shown that there is an association between low cerebrospinal fluid 5-hydroxyindole-acetic acid (5-HIAA, the principal serotonin metabolite in the brain) levels and the risk of developing depression or destructive behaviors. In addition, serotonin concentration can also be elevated in situations of anxiety and/or stress. Antidepressants such as Prozac, Zoloft and Paxil act as serotonin uptake inhibitors that increase serotonin concentration at the synaptic site. Like other drugs, these antidepressants may lead to increase anxiety and decrease the vulnerability to react to stress by downregulating sensitivity to serotonin released during natural stress situations.
X linked inheritance is one of the mechanisms of the inheritance which is associated with the mutation of the gene present on the X chromosome.
The characteristics of the X linked recessive inheritance that must be observed in the pedigree analysis will be-
1. X linked trait is always passed from the mother to the sons (females to males)
2. The males (XY) are usually affected by the gene as only one copy of the recessive gene in males can show its effect.
3. Females are the carrier of the disease but they are not affected by the condition.