"Kidneys are often compared to filters because they cleanse unwanted waste from both frogs and humans" is TRUE.
Answer: Option A
Frogs also have the excretory system with two kidneys and similar to mammals. Its function is to eliminate the nitrogen product from the blood. Frogs make large volumes of dilute urine to wipe out harmful products from the tubules of the kidneys.
Tadpoles and aquatic frogs excrete the nitrogen as ammonia, but most terrestrial adults excrete it mostly as urea which is less threatening substance. A few tree frog species with little water access excrete the still less harmful uric acid.
A gamete contains one set of chromosomes
reason -
Gene testing is not full proof as there are possibilities of discrepancies in it based on the testing procedures used and the condition of sample. Since we human beings have the same genomic structure there are chances that our DNA may match with other people who do not share a heredity with our family. Basically statistical probability is used to determine probability of paternity, relationship of any kind etc. among two individuals . usually A 99% or higher percentage of probability is considered conclusive. and thus it gene testing can not be considered as full proof
Answer: a specific gender