The part of the enzyme molecule that binds to its associated substrate is ACTIVE SITE.
The active site contains the catalytic groups which are amino acids which promote the formation and the break down of bonds. By breaking and forming new bonds, the enzyme substrate interaction brings about the formation of the transition state.
Plants get their energy from the sun using Photosynthesis and animals get it from eating food.
Diploblasty is a state of the blastula in which there are two essential germ layers: the ectoderm and endoderm. Diploblastic living beings are life forms which create from such a blastula and incorporate cnidaria and Ctenophora, earlier assembled together in the phylum Coelenterata, yet later comprehension of their disparities brought about their being put in discrete phyla.
To answer the above:
Diploblastic animals have ectoderm and an endoderm as well as radial symmetry.