Macronutrients can be defined as the compounds which can be found in large quantities in the human diet. Majority of the energy for the functioning of the body is derived from these macronutrients. These includes the fats, carbohydrates, and the proteins.
Micronutrients can be defined as the compounds which are required by the body in small quantities, but they are essential for the proper growth of the body. These includes the vitamins and minerals.
Hence, the given food and the nutrient groups can be matched as follows:
Macronutrients - Carbohydrates, proteins, fats.
Micronutrients - Zinc, calcium.
Endocytosis is when a a cell engulfs material into the cell and exocytosis a form of waste where the cell gets rid of materials.
La respuesta correcta es opción C. "Contar con organelos membranosos como los cloroplastos".
Una de las características que diferencia a las células procariontes de las eucariontes, es que las células eucariontes tienen organelos membranosos como los cloroplastos. Las células eucariontes son más complejas que las celulas procariontes, y tienen organelos rodeados por membranas donde efectúan sus distintas funciones celulares. Las células procariontes no tienen organelos y realizan la mayoría de sus funciones directamente en el citoplasma.
Muscles and internal organs