I would suggest posting this again if not already done
Really up to you but i say;
Citizens may own property under communism, but not under socialism, or under socialism, businesses seek to earn profits, buy under communism they seek to meet people's needs.
The Justinian
Code was created in order to create one single set of laws for all of the
Byzantine Empire. This code was extremely important because it served as the
basis for everyday actions within the empire including marriage, criminal
justice, slavery, and property rights. Along with this, the code ended up
serving as the basis for the laws of the Byzantine Empire for the next 900
years. Countries all over world use ideas from Justinian Code's in order to
form a comprehensive set of laws. The four sections of the code are the Codex
Constitutionum, Digesta, Institutiones, and the Novella Constitutiones Post
The right answer is: "All of the major powers considered war to be part of a valid foreign policy."
Militarism encouraged and strengthened views that military might and war were better methods than diplomacy and negotiations to solve international disputes. All major European powers engaged in programs of military modernization and enlargement in the 19th and 20th centuries. Militarism played a major role in the outbreak of WWI.