A single gene on the Y chromosome plays a crucial role in the parental development of the testes.
Y chromosome is present only in males and this chromosomes is the distinguishing factor which separates males from females. It is the smallest chromosome but of utmost importance due to its sex determining feature. Up till now, studies show that Y chromosomes only carry limited amount of genes.
The Y chromosome, most importantly, comprises of the SRY gene. This is the gene responsible for determining the testis and for the development of the testis. The SRY gene is responsible for sex determination.
L-form bacteria are distinct from mycoplasmas, because Mycoplasma spp. do not originate from bacteria that normally possess a cell wall. ... Some of these bacteria remain as CWDB (stable L-forms), whereas others revert back to possession of a cell wall (unstable L-forms).
Groundwater depletion
Aquifer depletion is responsible for the collapse of land called Groundwater depletion
The three stages of interphase are G1, S, and G2. G stands for "gap", and S stands for "synthesis".
Viruses have no way to control their internal environment and they do not maintain their own homeostasis