Correlation coefficient.
This is explained to be the numerical measure of some correlation types or strength statistically of relationship between two variables. It is most times seen to bre helpful when investing in the financial markets. In certain instances, correlation can be helpful in determining how well a mutual fund performs relative to its benchmark index, or another fund or asset class.
This correlation statistic or coefficient here is seen also to permit investors to determine when the correlation between two variables changes. This is seen in bank stocks where it is seen to typically have a highly-positive correlation to interest rates since loan rates are often calculated based on market interest rates.
The correct answer is: American Cordillera.
American Cordillera is the mountain range that is stretched from the north of North America to the South of South America. It includes, along Andes, Rocky Mountains and Alaska Range and the Mountains in the Baja California Peninsula.
Because before native Americans were poor and made everything from scratch In Mesopotamia its a different story native Americans had houses made out of branches sticks ect and did not have money.hope I helped I just guessed the best i could