Things you should use your student loan to pay for: Books and supplies; Room and board (meal plans) Off-campus housing; Transportation (gas, bus pass, etc.) Computers; Any equipment you need for classes; Sheets and towels and Things you should not use your student loan to pay for: Pizza and beer for your roomies; Spring break travel; Taking your family out to dinner; Buying a new Mercedes; An outfit for a friend’s wedding; Cleaning services; Entertainment
Answered below
The next line is 1.
The python count function returns the number of times an element appears in a tuple or a list.
In the tupleB tuple, 7 is passed into the count function. The number of times 7 appears in tupleB is just once alongside 5, 2.7, 10 and 5. Therefore, the count function returns 1 in the next line.
Written in Python
import math
degreesF = float(input("Enter a temperature in degrees Fahrenheit: "))
degreesC = round(5 * (degreesF - 32)/9,1)
The following header allows you to use Math.Round() method in Python
import math
The following prompts the user for temperature in degrees Fahrenheit
degreesF = float(input("Enter a temperature in degrees Fahrenheit: "))
The following calculates the degree Celsius equivalent and also round it up
degreesC = round(5 * (degreesF - 32)/9,1)
The following prints the degree Celsius equivalent
pgp --encrypt "my-message.txt" --recipient (Sean) --output ("secret-message.txt.gpg")
PGP encryption from the command line can be done using the following format:
- pgp --encrypt (input) --recipient (user) --output (output file)
Therefore, PGP command line syntax to encrypt the my-message.txt file for a specific user (Sean) and save the output as secret-message.txt.gpg is:
- pgp --encrypt "my-message.txt" --recipient (Sean) --output ("secret-message.txt.gpg")