The world is feeling the fallout from rising temperatures and changing climates. Disasters are getting stronger and more frequent. Droughts are lasting longer. Weather patterns are less predictable. Farming practices that were once stable are no longer effective. Smaller harvests leave families with less to eat and sell.
to have a hardy personality.
A hardy personality is the ability of an individual to control his behavior in conditions of challenges and stress. He shows an outstanding level of commitment and control over himself. Stress can alter the daily functioning of an individual negatively by affecting his physically and emotionally. But people with hardy personality are less likely to be affected by these problems. The most important trait of a hardy personality is how they come out of the stressful situation by using the control and commitment of their strong personality.
A is saying that the electoral college usually chooses what people vote for
B is saying that an elector doesnt have to vote for what their state says. this is a negative statement
C is not true but its not an opinion any way
E is true but is not an opinion
<span>Parents should introduce their children to the benefits of helping their community by taking them to homeless shelters or literacy centers at a young age. By watching their parents interact with those less fortunate, children will be more likely to assist the needy once they are adults.</span>
C. meta-analysis.
Meta-analysis is the statistical procedure for combining data from multiple studies. When the treatment effect (or effect size) is consistent from one study to the next, meta-analysis can be used to identify this common effect.