The first phase of hacking is the Reconnaissance phase. The Reconnaissance phase is for gathering as much information as possible. It is a vital part of a digital attack.
Your opportunity cost of attending a game compared with the opportunity cost facing a college student 10 years ago is:
A) higher, because more games are televised today.
Opportunity costs are the cost of choosing one alternative from another.
In this case, when college students attend college football games they are unable to do other activities, not only while they are at the stadium or going to the stadium, but they are not able to purchase other goods. The cost of those alternatives that are lost are higher now because many college football games are televised now, before if you wanted to see a game you had to go to the game. So a student is now able to watch the game while doing other activities, or saving money for buying something else.
Can this change in opportunity cost account for the decline in college football attendance?
B) Yes, because these changes increase the opportunity cost of watching football games in person.
Even though opportunity costs do not involve actual cash payments, they are still important and individuals do consider them when they are choose one option over another. E.g. imagine if you had to choose between spending a considerable amount of money by attending a game (ticket, gas, beverages, etc.) or watching that game on TV and buying a few clothes instead or going on a date, etc. What option would you choose?
The correct answer is Daily weight.
Changes in weight can occur quickly. The treatments and medicines used to fight the disease can affect the weight in a very short time.
Knowing the weight helps staff members make the safest and most effective choices.
• Doctors and pharmacists use weight to help decide the amount of medicine
That needs to be ordered.
• Nurses and doctors use daily weight to decide if it is necessary to increase or decrease fluids either by mouth or by vein.
Staff will monitor the weight before most clinic visits and at any time when they are admitted. Doctors and other staff members often decide the dose of medicines and the amount of serum needed early in the morning.