Six to eight
You can add meat to your baby's menu any time after starting solids, which is usually around 6 months. In fact, experts recommend that foods like meat and poultry, along with fortified baby cereal and beans, get introduced early on, since they provide key nutrients like iron and zinc.
stay away from too much sugar and eat things that are east to digest such as potato chips. also, be sure to have plenty of electrolytes. the G2 Gatorade works best for electrolytes and hydration. good luck!
firmly say no showing signs of weakness allows the person to keep pressuring you into doing it since you seem weak.
.gov is the current domain extension type used by most United States government or government supported sources. You can trust these sources to be, if not accurate, then at least backed by the majority of the US population and governing power as the most commonly perceived knowledge in that sector.
very epic fricking person